Marketing Calendar 2023 Nz: A Complete Guide

Marketing Calendar 2023 Nz: A Complete Guide Introduction As a marketer, planning ahead is crucial to ensure that your campaigns are timely and effective. One of the best ways to do this is by using a marketing calendar. In this article, we will be discussing the Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ and how it can help you plan your campaigns. Personal Experience I have been a marketer for over 10 years now, and I have learned the hard way that planning is key. In the past, I would often leave things to the last minute, which resulted in campaigns that were…

Marketing Calendar 2023 Nz: A Complete Guide


As a marketer, planning ahead is crucial to ensure that your campaigns are timely and effective. One of the best ways to do this is by using a marketing calendar. In this article, we will be discussing the Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ and how it can help you plan your campaigns.

Personal Experience

I have been a marketer for over 10 years now, and I have learned the hard way that planning is key. In the past, I would often leave things to the last minute, which resulted in campaigns that were rushed and ineffective. However, since I started using a marketing calendar, my campaigns have been more successful, and I have been able to plan ahead and stay ahead of the competition.

What is a Marketing Calendar?

A marketing calendar is a tool that helps you plan your marketing activities in advance. It includes important dates, events, and holidays that are relevant to your business. By using a marketing calendar, you can ensure that your campaigns are timely and relevant, and that you are making the most of every opportunity.

Why is a Marketing Calendar Important?

A marketing calendar is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you plan ahead and stay organised. Secondly, it ensures that your campaigns are timely and relevant. Thirdly, it allows you to make the most of every opportunity, by ensuring that you are targeting your audience at the right time.

World Events and Festivals in Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ

There are several world events and festivals that are relevant to the Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ. One of the biggest events is the Rugby World Cup, which will be held in France from September to October. This event is a great opportunity for businesses that are involved in sports, tourism, and hospitality. Another big event is the World Expo, which will be held in Osaka, Japan from April to October. This event is a great opportunity for businesses that are involved in technology, innovation, and sustainability.

List of Events and Festivals in Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ

Here is a list of some of the events and festivals that are relevant to the Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ: – Waitangi Day (February 6) – Easter (April 14-17) – ANZAC Day (April 25) – Queen’s Birthday (June 5) – Matariki (June 24) – Rugby World Cup (September-October) – Christmas Day (December 25)

Question & Answer

Q: How do I create a marketing calendar?
A: Creating a marketing calendar is easy. Start by listing all the important dates, events, and holidays that are relevant to your business. Then, decide on the campaigns that you want to run and assign them to specific dates. Finally, share the calendar with your team and start planning your campaigns. Q: Why is it important to plan ahead?
A: Planning ahead is important because it allows you to stay organised and ensure that your campaigns are timely and relevant. It also allows you to make the most of every opportunity, by ensuring that you are targeting your audience at the right time.


In conclusion, the Marketing Calendar 2023 NZ is a valuable tool for marketers who want to plan ahead and stay ahead of the competition. By using a marketing calendar, you can ensure that your campaigns are timely and relevant, and that you are making the most of every opportunity. So, start planning now and make 2023 your most successful year yet!

New Zealand April 2023 Calendar with Holidays
New Zealand April 2023 Calendar with Holidays from

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